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客户端与. 服务器端广告插入:2024年哪个会胜出?原因何在

客户端还是服务器端? 问问五位流媒体广告技术专家,你会得到六种意见. 在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中,流媒体 Nadine Krefetz asks execs from Roku, 派拉蒙, 成为JWP, Akamai, and 不定式 which they prefer and why.

克雷费兹问 Roku广告交易所关于他对客户端与服务器端之争的看法.

“我认为两者都有很好的效用,”古德曼说. “我通常也更倾向于服务器端. 我认为这是一个更好的流媒体环境, but I think that's the reason why people do client-side interactive ads. 但这真的取决于出版商.他提到Roku将两者结合起来.

Krefetz问首席建筑师Peter Chave, Akamai技术,以定义服务器端AD插入.

“短暂的, 它的意思是流被传递给用户, there's a main stream and then we are going to insert the ad as if it's part of the main content,查韦斯说。. “So as far as the player's concerned, it shouldn't see any difference in the video. So, 比如线性通道, 你会在电视上看到广告混在中间, 但就电视而言, 它不知道广告或内容是什么.”

关于客户端广告插入,首席技术官大卫·拉帕洛门托 成为JWP, 说它需要更多的工程工作和测试, 但它提供了更大的灵活性,也更便宜. “One of the big draws of having the JW Player on the web is that it has deep capabilities in doing client-side ad insertion,他说. “And there are some good reasons, like server ad insertion is more expensive to produce. If you do a little bit more of the work on the device as opposed to the server, that's fancy. You also get more flexibility if you can do it client-side versus server-side because you write a whole bunch of code on the client to actually do interesting things, 就像拍卖, 填写AD库存, 诸如此类的事情.”

”,但本质上, 如果您在客户端编写代码, 你必须让工程师来写代码,克雷费兹指出.

LaPalomento counters, “Or you could grab a library off the [internet]. 谷歌推出了 IMA SDK, which is a client-side library that does client side-ad insertion, and handles most of it for you.”

Krefetz says that even so, it is still not a completely hands-off experience. “总得有人做点什么,”她说.

“更棘手的是服务器端,”LaPalomento说. “Ad insertion is also very, very rarely hands-off client-side, especially as it gets more complex. And I actually prefer server-side ad insertion too, just to be clear. But the direction we're heading is that they're going to be virtually indistinguishable. 这是我的预测.”

Chave说, ”客户端, you end up having to test a lot because anytime you change the code on the client, 如果你有一代设备, 这是一个问题. If you've got ten generations of devices, that's a hundred times the problem.”

“With server-side, you end up with devices that just don't work,” LaPalomento says. “So instead of being able to modify the client and be able to make changes, 相反,你得到的是死机回放,没有视频.”

全球数字广告运营高级副总裁Jarred Wilichinsky 派拉蒙, highlights the further difficulties and complexities of client-side, 尤其是派拉蒙. “派拉蒙,只是 冥王星 应用程序,大概有25个不同的客户. 在服务器端插入广告, you don't need to do as much heavy lifting and with stream manipulation. 广告技术决策的核心是服务器端.”

C.J. 伦纳德,广告运营总监 & 技术, 不定式, discusses the challenges of device compatibility, especially for those who are not engineers. “当我在 当地现在, I think I owned at one point every device that was on the market,” she says. “We were relaunching the apps, and they were client-side at the time. 我,作为行动主任,坐在那里 Vizio and tethering my Roku devices and calling people up, [saying], ‘Hey, I'm not an engineer.“所以当你开始达到某一点时,它是服务器端.”

Goodman of Roku argues that it is best to have a generalized ad-insertion framework. 他说:“我们也有很多不同的设备. “你可以在Fire电视上看Roku频道. 但实际上,我关心的是用户. 很多客户端工作, 你会得到一个广告, 你能提前检查的东西就那么多. 你不是在转码. And so sometimes it is very much like you try to play and pray, and hopefully it works. 在服务器端是不同的. 有代码转换. 我不知道有没有人看过iPad上的应用程序, 突然之间, 广告一开始就把你轰出了房间. 音频规范化真的很难. So it's nice to be able to transcode, make sure it's actually going be stable.”



Join us in 8月20日24 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, and lively debate at 流媒体连接.

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周二, 8月20日, 在流媒体连接, 艾伦Wolk, 联合创始人/首席分析师, TVREV, will moderate the panel "Ad Counsel: Delivering Streaming Ads That Convert,面对当前的挑战(或, 有人会说, failures) to reliably deliver the right ads to viewers and measurable results to brands and discusses innovative technologies and strategies to make streaming ads perform. Confirmed panelists include Christina Chung of Estrella Media, Julie Triolo of Vevo, C.J. 不定式的Leonard和Advertiser Perceptions的Erin Firneno.


The USP of advertising on streaming platforms has always been the heightened opportunity to deliver the right ads to the right users with a specificity inaccessible to traditional TV advertising's monochromatic broad brush. 但兑现这一承诺仍是一项正在进行的工作. 百事公司媒体策略主管 & Investment Katie Haniffy discusses specific ways streamers can work more effectively with advertisers to help them match the creative to consumer and ensure their ads convert in this interview with OMD U.S. 视频投资主管 & 激活苏珊娜·欧文在纽约流媒体.


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55%到60%的广告收入都流向了亚马逊, Meta, 和谷歌, streaming services need to be strategic and deliberate in how they differentiate their offerings not just to audiences but to the brands that support them. 在这段来自流媒体连接的剪辑中, ESHAP's Evan Shapiro and Atmosphere TV's Lana LoRusso discuss the challenges to stay ahead of the market in the competition for ad dollars and the creative way Atmosphere TV positions its sound-optional venue-based platform to attract ad agencies.


Roku's Adam Markey and CBS Interactive's Jared Willichinsky explain why reach and frequency are consistently hot-button issues in the world of ad tech and streaming ad insertion in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.

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